J04 – The King’s Pursebearers

The finances of a Church require most judicious handling, especially when so few of the members can boast of worldly wealth. Generous giving has been encouraged. Adverse balances have to be avoided as far as possible, mortgages and loans have at times to be negotiated and prompt repayments arranged for. Salaries must be provided for, and current expenses defrayed. The King’s coin, frequently laid on the altar of self-sacrifice, must be regarded as a sacred trust and spent with care.

The treasurers who have served the Church have been:

Mr. Clague, 1888 to 1892, four years.

Mr. Hubbard, 1892 to 1900, eight years.

Mr. G. Patten, a few months in 1901.

Mr. Marcroft, 1901 to 1903, two years.

Mr. Vine, 1904 to 1908, four years.

Mr. G. Patten, 1908 to 1933, 25 years.

Mr. H. Patten, 1933, still in office.

We would draw your attention to the lengthy period of the late Mr. G. Patten’s term of office. We would like to link his name with the name of his devoted wife, Mrs. Patten Senr., who also assisted in the ministry of Purse Bearer.

We place on record our deep gratitude to God for the great mercies of past years in the spirit of liberality granted to the membership of the Church. With our new obligations in paying off the debt on our school building, we would remind our members and friends of our financial obligations and pray they may be as devoted and liberal in their giving as has been the case with past members.

We desire to pledge ourselves anew to the service of Jesus Christ and to our fellow Christians, and pray that we may fully realise our Christian privileges and experience a larger measure of spiritual blessing.


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