Jesus the Game Changer

How the Life and Teaching of Jesus Changed the World and Why it MattersJesus Christ has made an indelible mark on human history and He continues to do so through His followers. Yet many people do not realise that the values western democracies are built on originate in the life and teaching of Jesus – the equality of all, servant leadership, care for the poor and marginalised, dignity of women and children, education, to name just a few.

In this series, host Karl Faase travels to the UK, USA, Singapore, India and Australia, interviewing authors, academics and modern-day game changers about how the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world and why it matters.

Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am for six weeks: 25 February through to 1 April (Easter Sunday) to discover more.

Support the Church

Our Church depends on the donations and gifts of congregation members and friends to operate.

We work with Baptist Financial Services to facilitate electronic transfer of gifts and offerings, either regularly or ad-hoc.

Please see

If you prefer you can use the Church’s account details directly:
Granville Community Baptist Church
BSB: 082 330
Account: 509 280 009

Church Life


Our Church is affiliated with the Baptist Assembly of NSW accepting its responsibility to support and share ministries undertaken by the denomination. Recognising the headship of Jesus Christ and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, our church is governed in line with the fundamental Baptist principle of the autonomy of the local church and congregational government. In line with the provisions of Section 6 of our Constitution, our church has a leadership team consisting of the pastor, secretary, treasurer and deacons. This team meets monthly and as needed. We have quarterly and annual business meetings which are open to both members and non-members.


Our church uses a wide range of music from traditional hymns and choruses to contemporary songs. We aim for flexibility and balance in our style of worship. We have a team of musicians playing organ, piano and violin each Sunday. We also have a band formed by our Filipino young people who currently play on special occasions. In the past, they have played regularly. A number of primary and secondary aged children in our Church have formed a choir called “Aratas”, they practise each Sunday morning and give regular performances during our services.


Our church supports a number of missionaries, both overseas and here in Australia. Each month we focus on a different mission with regards to prayer and financial support. A number of our members are retired missionaries and are still active in supporting world missions.

Church activities

27 February 2021: Although Sunday worship services have recommenced, most/all other activities of the Church remain either suspended or operating over systems such as Zoom.
Please contact the nominated point or email for more information.


For Parents & Pre-school Children

Includes: Craft, Morning Tea, Playing Time, Music

Tuesday 10:00—12:00 pm

Contact Michelle on for more information

English Classes

FREE! All nationalities welcome

Wednesday and Friday 9:30—11:30 am during school terms

After School Kids’ Club

For Kids – Kindergarten to Year 6

Includes: Games, Afternoon Tea, Craft, Music, Bible Story

Thursday  3:15—5:00 pm during school terms

For more information call xxx on xx 

Our beliefs

Granville Community Baptist Church holds to the following evangelical doctrines set out in the Baptist Union of NSW Incorporation Act, 1919 (NSW) and amplified by the 1979 Baptist Union of NSW Assembly:

  • The nature and unity of the Godhead (Matthew 28:19, Ephesians 4:6)
  • The deity and humanity of Christ (John 1:1, Philippians 2:6-7)
  • The Holy Spirit (John 14:26, 2 Corinthians 13:14)
  • The divine inspiration of the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16)
  • The sinfulness of man (Romans 3:10, 23)
  • Christ’s atonement for the sin of man (Romans 3:25—26, 1 Peter 2:24)
  • The work of the Holy Spirit in salvation (John 3:5—6, Romans 8:9—11)
  • The Church (Matthew 16:18, Ephesians 1:22—23)
  • The baptism of believers only, and by immersion (Matthew 28:19, Romans 6:3—4)
  • The communion (Luke 22:14—20, 1 Corinthians 11:23—26)
  • The return of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:30, Acts 1:11)
  • The resurrection of the dead (1 Corinthians 15:20, 2 Corinthians 4:14)
  • Rewards and punishments in a future state (Matthew 25:31—46, Romans 14:12)

Church Profile

Our Suburb

Granville is one of Sydney’s older suburbs, being settled since the 1850’s and named as Granville in 1880. Granville is part of the City of Parramatta and is pretty much in the centre of Greater Sydney. The suburb is traditionally working class at the lower end of the socio-economic spectrum. A considerable proportion of this population is intentionally transient. These days there is a growing population of professionals from Granville working in Parramatta or commuting to the city.

There is a strong multi-cultural feel to the area. At the 2011 census, there were 13,989 residents in Granville. More than half of people were born outside of Australia, with the top countries of birth being India, China and Lebanon. Three quarters of people spoke a language other than English at home. The most common other languages spoken at home were Arabic 18.1%, Cantonese 5.5% and Mandarin 4.8%. The housing in Granville was evenly spread between detached houses and higher density units or apartments. 46.3% of residents were renting their home and this was higher than the national average of 29.6%.

The land is divided fairly evenly between residential, commercial and industrial uses. The suburb contains several public schools both primary and secondary as well as a large TAFE. Granville is well served by public transport, bus and train. The shopping centre in Granville, along South St, is a vibrant centre which reflects the multi-cultural nature of the suburb. Our church property sits on the corner of this street, with a large amount of passing foot traffic, making it a prime location for ministry in this area.

Our Church

There has been a Baptist Church in Granville for over 100 years. In the last decade Granville Baptist Church joined with South Granville Baptist forming the Granville Community Baptist Church. The church currently has 46 members and an average weekly attendance at the Sunday Service of about 60. The congregation ranges in age from babies and toddlers to those well into retirement.

A typical week for our church involves the 10:00 am Sunday morning worship service followed by morning tea, Playtime on Tuesday morning, prayer meeting on Wednesday evening, After School Kids’ Club on Thursday afternoon, free English classes on Wednesday and Friday mornings, Bible study on Friday evening. More details regarding these ministries.

Our buildings

The church property consists of the church building which is heritage listed, a large hall with stage and kitchen facilities and plenty of storage areas, a two-story building (Jubilee Hall) which has four rooms downstairs (kitchen, meeting room, playroom and storeroom) and three rooms upstairs (two classrooms and the church office). The church building, the hall and the meeting room of Jubilee hall are accessible to people with disabilities. Due to population density, parking around our church can be an issue. The church has two manses. One is currently being rented. The other is being considered for knock-down rebuild with the intention of being used as a manse or rental property depending on future needs.

C08 – The Lord’s Servants at Granville


  • 1888 – 1897 : Rev. J. Straughen (Honorary)
  • 1897 – 1901 : Rev; E. Price (Honorary)
  • 1901 – 1905 : Rev. C. T. Way
  • 1905 – 1907: Rev. H. D. Archer
  • 1907 – 1908 : Rev. A. Metters
  • 1908 – 1915 : Rev. C. T. Way
  • 1915 – 1916 : Rev. H. Halmerick
  • 1916 – 1920 : Rev. S. A. McDonald
  • 1921 – 1923 : Rev. H. Clark
  • 1923 – 1927 : Rev. E. H. Swan
  • 1927 – 1933 : Rev. J. H. Deane
  • 1934 – 1936 : Rev. C. G. Orford
  • 1936 – 1944 : Rev. J. D. Mill
  • 1941 : Rev. G. H. Morling (Moderator)
  • 1944 : Rev. F. Robinson (Moderator)
  • 1944 – 1951 : Rev. S. Earl
  • 1951 – 1954: Rev. C. V. Barnard
  • 1954 : Rev. C. H. Gray (Moderator)
  • 1955 – 1957 : Rev. J. Owen
  • 1957 – 1961 : Rev. A. E. Cundall
  • 1961 – 1965 : Rev. J. R. Robinson
  • 1965 – 1966 : Rev. L. Slade
  • 1967 – 1973 : Rev. A. E. Baker
  • 1973 : Rev. N. Melzer (Moderator)
  • 1973 – 1976 : Rev. J. Nolan
  • 1977 – 1978 : Rev. N. Melzer
  • 1978 – 1979 : Pastor T. Logan
  • 1979 – 1980: Pastor P. Hazleton
  • 1981 – 1983 : Pastor R. Hooper
  • 1984 – 1985 : Pastor C. D. Boland
  • 1985 – 1987: Pastor F. C. Condon
  • 1987 –         : Pastor G. R. Devrell



  • 1970: Mr. D. Dixon Youth
  • 1971: Mr. T. Pritchard Youth
  • 1983: Mr. R. Carrall Youth



  • 1888 – 1901 : Mr. J. W. Marcroft
  • 1901 – 1903 : Mr. G. Patten
  • 1903 –          : Mr. F. Robinson
  • 1903 – 1916 : Mr. J. W. Marcroft
  • 1916 – 1924 : Mr. Page
  • 1924 – 1926 : Mr. A. Smith
  • 1926 – 1956 : Mr. E. W. Watts
  • 1956 –          : Mr. H. C. Law



  • 1888 – 1892 : Mr. Clague
  • 1892 – 1900: Mr. Hubbard
  • 1901 –         : Mr. G. Patten
  • 1901 – 1903 : Mr. J. W. Marcroft
  • 1904 – 1908: Mr. Vine
  • 1908 – 1933: Mr. G. Patten
  • 1933 – 1952: Mr. H. Patten
  • 1952 –         : Mr. W. Webb
  • 1952 – 1965 : Mr. R. Patten
  • 1965 – 1973: Mr. R. Haydon
  • 1973 – 1979 : Mrs. T. Sidney
  • 1980 –          : Miss M. A. Brayley



  • 1888 – 1891 : Miss Whiteford
  • 1891 – 1895 : Mr. Wilkins
  • 1895 – 1904 : Miss Price
  • 1904 – 1908 : Mr. H. Marcroft
  • 1908 – 1910 : Miss Marcroft
  • 1911 – 1912 : Miss Upcroft
  • 1913 – 1913 : Mr. Bowden
  • 1914 – 1916: Miss Pittock
  • 1916 – 1917 : Miss Lewis
  • 1917 – 1919 : Miss Waldock
  • 1919 – 1960: Mr. J. Overton
  • 1960 – 1074 : Mr. R. Hatton
  • 1974 – 1976 : Mr. R. Hatton – AM Service
  • Mrs. E. Nolan – PM Service
  • 1977 – 1979 : Mr. C. Overton
  • 1979 – 1986 : Mr. C. Overton – AM Service
    Mrs. B. Law – PM Service
  • 1986 –          : Mrs. B. Law



  • 1985 –           : Mrs. H. Roby


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C07 – Moving Forward


On 2nd February, 1985, Pastor F. C. Condon, a married second year student at the Theological College, commenced as Pastor to the church. In August, 1985, the church participated in Partnership Mission ’85 with Rev. Dr. D. Leslie Hill and Mrs. J. Hill, missionaries with the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convection, U. S. A.

By the end of 1985 a number of people had been added to the church on confession of the faith and baptism. The membership was increased to twenty­ eight. During 1985, a Playtime group for the mothers and their children was commenced using facilities and equipment previously used by the church play­ group. Because of the popularity of the group, it was extended to meet each Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

In March, 1986, the church participated in the Jim Adams’ Crusade with Rev. Dr. S. L. Gilbreath, Mrs. C. Gilbreath and Rev. D. Kilker from the U. S. A as the evangelistic team. This crusade had a great effect on the church and many were keen to be involved in not only the life of the church, but also outside evangelistic work.

Pastor Condon was able to attend the International Conference For Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. During July, 1986, the church helped sponsor Pastor and Mrs. Condon’s trip to the conference as a training mission.

In November, 1986, Mr. B. Coutts, Mr. R. Osbourne and Mr. P. Roby commenced a youth club for boys, called ‘The Seekers’, with the aim of reaching young boys who need help in the area.

Pastor Condon concluded a fruitful ministry in Granville from January 1988 to accept a call to the Penrith Baptist Church. The membership had grown to thirty-four.

In February, 1988, G. R. Devrell, a married third year Theological student commenced as Pastor of the church. Highlights of the year to date include a successful partnership mission with a group from Texas and U. S. A, the expansion of the Playgroup, growth in attendances of the Sunday School and ‘The Seekers’ group and the commencement of a Young Adults Fellowship. The church has also embarked on a bold step of selling the Manse in Merrylands for $97,000.00 and purchasing a new Manse in 13 Elizabeth Street, Granville for $100,000.00.



Granville Baptist Church continues to testify to the world that God is building His Church and shaping His people. Granville had known the heights of a large prosperous church, the struggles and ravages of two global wars and the depths of crisis in a changing socioeconomic environment.

Consolidation and adaption has been faced with determination and grit. Committed to Jesus Christ as the head, Granville church will continue to reach to its community with the compelling message “JESUS SAVES.”

We value your prayer support and encouragement as we, His family, face the future with hope, enthusiasm and courage. For these are what we learn from the pages of our history its people and pastors, who gladly spent their all in the Master’s service in Granville.


(Matt. 16:18b)


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C06 – Time of Change, Time of Crisis


Rev. A E. Baker from Nowra was inducted to the Granville pastorate from 1967-73. His ministry at Granville coincided with the bulk of the children of long-standing church members reaching marriageable age. In his seven years at Granville, he baptised nine people, but more significantly he performed twenty-six marriages involving at least one child of a church member. These young couples invariably left the Granville area to start homes in the growing areas of the Sydney metropolitan area: Baulkham Hills, Castle Hill and the west. It was a blow as the church was ill-prepared to receive. The situation paralleled the war years: most young people no longer at the church and a large portion of the membership in retirement in the pews. Membership figures continued to indicate these trends decline to eighty-one. During these years attempts were made to consolidate the youth work with the appointments of students from the Theological College to assist Rev. Baker.

Following Rev. Baker’s resignation in 1973 Rev. N. Melzer a missionary on furlough from West Irian, was engaged in an interim ministry for the months of August and September, 1973.

On 21st November, 1973, a call was extended to Rev. J. K. Nolan. By 1976, the membership had declined to forty-five, only one person having been baptised in the preceding three years. Mr. C. Cowling, a student of the Theological College was assisting the Pastor with youth work from the early March, 1974. The financial position of the church was seriously inadequate, and at a Church Meeting on 20th November, 1974, it was decided to approach the Baptist Union of New South Wales “to enable the recommended stipend and traveling allowance to be paid.”

Rev. Nolan attempted to get the church moving towards the community: in August, 1975, a Playgroup was commenced at the church, and in the Church Meeting on 19th November, 1975, it was reported that twenty-eight children were enrolled; at the Church Meeting on 18th February, 1976, it was decided to move into a two day Playgroup due to the large numbers of children attending.



On 17th December, 1975, the church met to discuss its future. It was reported that the Home Work Council was prepared to extend its subsidy until May, 1976 and concern was expressed at the continuing decrease in membership. Rev. R. F. Pope, Director of Church Extension, was present by invitation and indicated that “if the membership fell below ten persons, the Baptist Union would take over the affairs of the church.” The position was now critical; on 5th August, 1976, the Home Work Council discontinued the subsidy to the church.

Rev. Nolan resigned from the pastorate in November, 1976.

On 2nd January, 1977, Rev. N. Melzer commenced as Moderator of the church whilst the church explored its future. Rev. Melzer continued as Moderator, traveling to and from his home in Glenbrook in the lower Blue Mountains, until 19th March,1978. The church had continued to decrease in membership; down to thirty-eight by 1978.



The church was now on the position that it was unable to support a full-time pastor and so it turned to the Home Work Council with a request for the allocation of a second year married student from the Theological College to the pastorate. Pastor T. Logan, a candidate with the Australian Baptist Missionary Society and a married fourth year college student was allocated. However, Pastor Logan graduated from the Theological College in November, 1978 and resigned from the pastorate following his ordination in the church on 10th December, 1978, to travel to Baiyer River in Papua New Guinea on missionary service with the Australian Baptist Missionary Society. During Pastor Logan’s twelve months at Granville the Manse, situated at 66 The Avenue, Granville, was sold in May, 1978, the amount of $37,500.00 was received from the sale. A new Manse, situated at 12 Carhullen Street, Merrylands was purchased in December, 1978, for the sum of $30,000.00.

Pastor P. Hazleton commenced as the second Student Pastor at Granville Baptist Church in February, 1979. He and his family were the first occupants of the new Manse at 12 Carhullen Street, Merrylands. Pastor Hazleton assisted two female members of the church re-open the Playgroup in April, 1981.

In January, 1981, Pastor Hazleton accepted a call to the Cooma Baptist Church. During his ministry the church continued to struggle. Of special note is the fact that two persons were baptised during his ministry; the first persons baptised at Granville for five years.

Pastor R. Hooper, a third year student at the Theological College, was allocated to the church for the period 1st February, 1981 to 31st January, 1983. In his first year at Granville, Pastor Hooper baptised four young people and was assisted in the youth work by Mr. R. Carrall a first year Theological student. In January, 1984, Pastor Hooper accepted a call to the Cowra Baptist Church.

Membership of the church totaled twenty-five. Pastor C. D. Boland, a candidate with the Australian Baptist Missionary Society and a fourth student at the Theo­ logical College, commenced in the pastorate on 5th February, 1984. In April, 1984, the Australian Baptist Missionary Society advised the church that Pastor Boland would be required to proceed to the mission field in Papua New Guinea in 1985 and would therefore terminate his pastorate at the end of 1984.


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