9 Sundry
9A Ordinances
- Baptism
The Pastor may baptise any believer upon application at his discretion, or alternatively any other person may baptise any believer upon approval of the Pastor and/or elders and deacons. - The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper shall be observed regularly. All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be invited to take part in the Supper.
9B The Trustees
The Trustees of all Church properties shall be the Baptist Churches of NSW Property Trust.
9C Property
Church buildings and properties shall not be used or occupied by people or organisations for any purpose except where previous consent has been obtained from a deacon’s meeting, who may give such consent in accordance with the decisions and guidelines laid down by the Church.
9D Insurance
Insurance shall be effected on all Church buildings and property in accordance with the requirements of the Baptist Union of NSW.
9E The Ministry
The ministry of the Church shall primarily be supported and expenses met by voluntary contributions. Cheques shall be signed on behalf of the Church by two of the church officers, one of whom shall normally be the Church Treasurer. Other methods of financial transactions may be approved by a deacon’s meeting after full consideration of due process.
9F Auditors
Auditors shall be appointed at the Annual Church meeting and shall audit the financial records of the Church, including all departments, for presentation to the next Annual Church meeting.
9G Application of Church Assets and Income
The assets and income of the church shall be applied solely in the furtherance of its charitable purpose and the advancement of religion and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the Members except as bona fide reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the church.
9H Church Dissolution
In the event of the church being dissolved, the amount that remains after such dissolution and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall:
- in the case of property held in trust pursuant to the Baptist Churches of NSW Property Trust Act 1984, be dealt with in accordance with that Act and in particular Section 29 which said trusts provide that no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Church; and
- in all other cases be transferred to the Baptist Union or to any other organisation with similar purposes and which has rules prohibiting the distribution of its assets and income to its members and which is exempt from income tax.
10 Alterations to Constitution
No alteration shall be made to the Constitution except by a three-quarters majority of members present and eligible to vote at a meeting convened for the purpose.
The quorum for such a meeting shall be 50% of the membership.
Any proposed change to the Constitution shall be given in writing as a Notice of Motion to a deacon’s meeting and shall be distributed by the Secretary to all members not less than one month before the date of such meeting.
The Secretary of the Baptist Union of NSW shall be notified of any changes to this Constitution by the Church Secretary within 14 days of any decision being made by the Church.
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