J07 – 1938 Officers and Members

Church Officers, 1938

Pastor                                           Rev. J. D. MILL

Secretary                                      Mr. E. W. WATTS

Treasurer                                      Mr. H. PATTEN


Mr. W. Webb                                Mr. A. Sales

Mr. R. Broughton                         Mr. W. Gilbert

Mr. L. Rien                                   Mr. J. Overton

Mr. K. Flatters                              Mr. E. Flaxman

Mr. L. Whitelaw                           Mr.- S. J. Edwards


S.S. Superintendent                       Mr. J. Overton

S.S. Secretary                               Mr. H. Law


C.E. Superintendent                      Mr. K. Flatters

C.E. Gen. Secretary                      Mr. A. Goldsworthy


Ladies’ Guild President                 Mrs. Mill

Ladies’ Guild Secretary                 Mrs. H. Patten


S.G.M.U. President                       Mrs. Mill

S.G.M.U. Secretary                       Miss Brayley


M.M.M. President                         Rev. J. D. Mill

M.M.M. Secretary                        Mr. Redway


Church Organist                           Mr. J. Overton

Assistant Organist                         Miss Rien

Choir Master                                Mr. R. Patten



Register of Church Members


Mr. T. Osborn

Mrs. T. Osborn

Miss E. Osborn

Miss J. Osborn

Mrs. Langford

Mrs. Proud

Mr. J. Clague

Miss Rice

Miss Barnicoat

Mrs. Barnicoat

Mr. Barnicoat

Mr. J. W. Marcroft

Mrs. J. W. Marcroft

Mr. F. Marecoft

Mrs. F .Marecoft

Mrs. Hillier

Miss Whiteford

Mrs. Carr

Mrs. Methuiah

Mrs. Coleman

Mrs. Willick

Rev. E. Price

Miss Price

Mrs. Summers

Mrs. Robertson

Mr. G. Patten

Mrs. Lloyd

Mrs. Gibson

Mr. R. Robinson

Mrs. R. Robinson

Mrs. G. Patten

Mr. H. Willick

Mr. C. Marcroft (Rev.)

Mr. F. Robinson (Rev.)

Mr. T. Murry

Mrs. T. Murry

Miss M. Osborn

Mr. F. Blumer

Mr. H. Blumer

Mrs. Taylor

Miss E. Marcroft

Mr. Harry

Mrs. Harry

Mrs. Mason

Mrs. Gray

Miss L. Willick

Rev. C. T. Way

Mrs. Fox

Mrs. Hawksley

Mrs. D. Osborn

Miss L. Barnicoat

Miss L. Harmer

Mr. C. WiIlick

Mr. J. Vine

Mrs. T. Vine

Miss Harmer

Miss L. Clifton

Mr. F. Perdriau

Mr. S. Willick

Mr. Hey

Mrs. Hey

Mrs. Bruggman

Miss Iddles

Miss Blumer

Mrs. West

Miss Broadfoot

Miss M. Broadfoot

Mrs. Pain

Mrs. Way

Mr. C. Ironmonger

Mr. R. Melville (Rev.)

Mr. G. Blumer

Mr. Page

Miss Page


Mr. A. Pople

Rev. H. D. Archer

Mrs. Archer

Miss Archer

Mr. McShane

Mrs. McShane

Miss Thompson

Rev. A. Metters

Mrs. Metters

Mrs. Page

Miss West

Miss Kerr

Mrs. May

Miss May

Miss D. May

Mr. Anderson

Miss Upcroft

Mrs. Hawksley, Jun.

Rev. A. J. Waldock

Mrs. Waldock

Mrs. Fulton

Mrs. Lay

Mr. Davidson

Mrs. Davidson

Mrs. Hollier

Miss E. Mason

Mr. H. Patten

Mr. Hollier

Mr. E. Lewis

Mr. J. A. Packer

Mrs. J. A. Packer

Mrs. Horn

Mrs. Simson

Mr. Sindel

Mrs. Sindel

Miss McLeod

Mr. Mallinson

Mrs. Mallinson

Mr. Small

Mrs. Small

Mrs. Prowse

Mr. L. Perdue

Mr. V. Ross

Miss Williamson

Mr. Thomas

Mrs. Thomas

Rev. Mortison

Miss Lindner

Mr. Olson

Miss M. Taylor

Miss M. Horn

Miss G. Horn

Miss E. Parkin

Miss Parkin

Miss Rutherford

Mrs. Clayborough

Mr. Purdue

Mrs. Purdue

Mrs. Mappin

Master Mappin

Mrs. Murie

Miss N. Murie

Miss C. Murie

Mrs. Campbell

Mr. T. Barrie

Mr. W. Campbell

Miss Pittock

Miss Nelson

Miss Druery

Miss A. Gray

Mrs. Paix

Mr. Archer

Mr. F. White

Mr. Scott


Mr. L. Rien

Mrs. Rien

Mr. V. Prowse

Miss M. Barnicoat

Mrs B. Langford

Mr. Brook

Mrs. Brook

Rev. S. A. McDonald

Mrs. McDonald

Mr. G. Routley

Miss O. Denning

Miss L. Denning

Miss N. West

Mr. J. Overton, Snr.

Mrs. Overton, Snr.

Mr. .J. Overton, Jnr.

Mr. R. Overton

Miss V. Langford

Miss I. Ward

Mr. C. Ardill

Mrs. C. Ardill

Mrs. Kershaw

Mrs. Williams

Mrs. Tait

Miss Hawksley

Miss E. Ward

Mrs. White, Snr.

Mrs. Morgan

Mrs. Bowden

Miss M. Ritchie

Miss Hooker

Mr. Williams

Mr. L. Brown

Mrs. L. Brown

Miss Brown

Miss J. Smith

Miss V. Ward

Mr. E. W. Watts

Mrs. Watts

Mrs. Thompson

Rev. H. Clark

Mrs. Clark

Mr. Goldsworthy

Rev. H. Halmariek

Miss E. Prowse

Miss R. Lewis

Mr. S. Bell

Mrs. Smith

Mrs. Morgan

Mrs. Breedon

Mr. W. Rien (Rev.)

Mr. D. McShane

Mrs. A. Pople

Mr. B. Sherry

Mr. Lane

Mrs. Whitelaw

Mr. G. Smith

Mrs. G. Smith

Mr. Coleman

Mrs. Coleman

Mr. Dickens

Mrs. Dickens

Miss Dickens

Mr. Chandler

Mrs. Chandler

Mr. Kershaw

Miss Q. Johnston

Mr. R. Smith

Miss Thomas

Mrs. Everingham

Mr. G. Hogben

Mrs. G. Hogben

Mr. R. R. Lewis

Mr. Whitelaw, Snr.




Miss Reece

Mr. Denton

Mrs. Denton

Mr. Melhuish

Mrs. Melhuish

Mrs. Edwards

Miss D. Sherry

Miss B. Byrne

Mr. W. Horn

Mr. Ings

Miss Colclough

Mrs. Judges

Miss E. Edwards

Mrs. Tattersall

Mr. Sloan

Mrs. Sloan

Mr. G. Clark

Mrs. Wilson

Mrs. Overton, Jnr.

Miss Carr

Miss V. Carr

Miss G. Carr

Mr. O. Carr

Miss W. Edwards

Miss B. Coleman

Miss N. Gray

Miss E. Rien

Miss Abbott

Miss Wortley

Mr. Campbell

Mr. R. Staggs

Mr. Caesar

Mrs. Caesar

Mrs. Holman

Mr. Foley

Mrs. Foley

Mr. E. Boon

Miss M. Gardiner

Rev. E. H. Swan

Mrs. Swan

Mrs. Nicholls

Miss Ackison

Mr. D. Stevenson

Mr. Thomas

Mrs. Staggs, Sur.

Miss Staggs

Mr. Whitton

Mrs. Whitton

Mr. Reece

Mrs. Reece

Mr. Les. Smith

Mrs. L. Smith

Mr. R. Smith

Miss G. Arundell

Mrs. Evans

Rev. G. H. Morling

Mrs. Morling

Mr. Minchin

Mrs. Minchin

Miss J. Charles

Mrs. Gadsden

Mrs. Simonds

Mrs. Carter

Mrs. A. Young

Mr. Hoad

Mrs. Hoad

Mr. F. Hoad (Rev.)

Mr. Terry

Mrs. Terry

Mr. Richards

Rev. J. H. Deane

Mrs. Deane

Miss M. Watts

Miss V. Watts

Miss McShane

Miss H. Stevenson

Mr. L. Whitelaw

Mr. S. Brook

Mr. J. Brook

Mr. W. England


Mr. Reg. Coleman

Mr. Stevenson, Snr.

Mr. Christie

Mrs. Christie

Mr. H. Lane

Mr. Hockey

Mrs. Hockey

Mr. Law

Mrs. Palgrave

Miss M. Ross

Miss T. Yule

Mrs. Ellis

Miss Pople

Miss L. Falkner

Miss H. Edwards

Mr. E. Patten

Mrs. Law

Mr. Gilbert

Mrs. Gilbert

Miss C. Lane

Mr. B. Overton

Mr. W. Denton

Mr. A. Ross

Mr. A. Hunter

Mrs. Booton

Miss Booton

Miss Diffey

Miss C. Gilbert

Mrs. Northey

Mr. Broughton

Mrs. Morris

Mrs. McNeil

Mrs. Marsh

Mrs. Burns

Miss A. Dainty

Miss M. Smith

Mr. L. Burns

Mr. D. Staggs

Mr. Hyland

Mrs. Hyland

Miss Efsie Hyland

Miss Eifeen Hyland

Mr. Edwards

Mrs M. Edwards

Miss M. Taylor

Mrs. A. Patten

Mr. R. Morris

Mrs. Pinson

Mr. Papworth

Mr. D. Morris

Mr. Olley, Snr.

Mrs. Olley

Mr. J. Olley

Mr. A. Olley

Mr. D. Olley

Mr. C. Staggs

Miss G. Gilbert

Mr. W. Evans

Mr. B. Lewis

Mrs. Lewis

Mrs. Castle

Mrs. De Heaume

Miss F. Patten

Mrs. Falkner

Mr. L. Gray

Mr. R. Patten

Mr. Tames

Mr. R. Brayley

Mr. M. Davidson

Mr. R. Whitelaw

Mr. Simonds

Mr. Pettitt

Mrs. Pettitt

Mr. H. West

Miss P. Brayley

Miss L. Taylor

Miss R. Hyland

Miss B. Hyland

Miss N. Whitelaw

Mr. W. Davies


Mr. A. Rien

Mr. J. Boon

Mr. J. Falkner

Mr. E. Yule

Mr. B. Dark

Miss Enticnapp

Miss R. Davidson

Mrs. Davidson

Mr. N. Patten

Mr. W. Upcroft

Miss M. Burns

Mr. N. Staggs

Miss H. Raines

Mrs. Dowd

Mrs. Read

Mrs. Moffitt

Mrs. Grotosky

Miss N. Plummer

Miss C. Heckenburg

Miss I. Heckenburg

Miss M. G. Watts

Mr. Swansborough

Mr. A. Hasler

Mr. J. Clifford

Mrs. Linney

Mr. Read

Mr. Moffitt

Miss Mansfield

Mr. C. Reece

Mr. S. Denton

Miss E. Smith

Mrs. Dawson

Miss V. Hill

Miss D. Judges

Miss R. Weeks

Mr. Watson

Mrs. Watson

Mrs. Jones

Miss J. Read

Miss M. Read

Miss J. Plummer

Miss F. Dawson

Mr. G. Herr

Miss Jagger

Miss Harris

Miss D. Syme

Mr. H. Law

Miss L. Weeks

Miss Clark

Mrs. Quartermain

Miss Allison

Mr. Spence

Mrs. Spence

Miss Spence

Mrs. Davies

Mrs. Taylor

Mrs. Fawke

Mr. Desmond

Miss W. Dainty

Mr. Davidson

Mr. Reeve (Rev.)

Mr. James

Mrs. Edw. Watts

Miss Ida Watts

Miss Doris Watts

Miss M. Christie

Mr. A. Young

Mr. A. Powell

Mr. F. Williams

Mr. G. Law

Rev. C. G. Orford

Mrs. Orford

Miss P. Walker

Mr. Sales

Mrs. Sales

Mr. Angeleri

Mrs. Angeleri

Miss Angeleri

Mr. K. Angeleri

Mr. Carpenter




Mr. H. Sales

Mr. A. Goldsworthy

Mr. Curry

Mrs. Curry

Mrs. Webb. Snr.

Mr. Webb, Snr.

Mrs. Fitten

Miss Sherry

Mr. Jefferies

Mrs. Jefferies

Master Jefferies

Miss Jefferies

Miss G. Langford

Miss T. Langford

Mrs. Frost

Mrs. Dawes

Miss D. Morling

Miss B. Sales

Miss Reid

Miss J. Telfer

Mrs. Holt


Miss Dobson

Mr. Redfern

Mr. Flaxman

Mr. Flatters

Mrs. Flatters

Mr.’ Hayward

Mrs. Hayward

Miss Amies

Mr. Wykes

Mrs. Wykes

Mrs. West

Mrs. Swansborough

Mr. Shaw

Mrs. H. West

Miss A. Young

Miss C. Telfer

Miss E. Sales

Miss N. McNeil

Miss R. Marsh

Miss L. Overton

Miss D. Hyland


Miss A. Thomas

Rev. J. D. Mill

Mrs. Mill

Miss F. Mill

Miss N. Mill

Miss J. Mill

Mr. S. Mill,

Mr: D. Mill

Miss J. Falkner

Mr. Grove

Mrs. Grove

Mr. McLeod

Mrs. McLeod

Mr. Mann

Mrs. Mann

Miss S. Flaxman

Mr. Davies

Mr. Tozer

Mrs. Tozer

Miss Tozer

Mr. Cliff, Tozer


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J06 – The King’s Recruits

It was a happy augury that the cause at Granville started with a Sunday School.

For a number of years prior to the building of a Church, the late Mr. W. Ardill commenced Sunday School in the upper room of a shop in South Street, not far from our present church buildings. The first church was built at Blaxcell Street (no date on record) and later demolished and rebuilt on the ‘present site in 1911 for use as a Sunday School. The church was built the same year on property presented by the Pastor, Rev. C. T. Way.

In the early school we had Rev. J. Leech, Rev. C. Marcroft, and Rev. Frank Robinson as scholars. Others now in the ministry who have passed through the school are Rev. R. Melville, Rev. C. Gray (W.A.), Rev. W. Rien, Rev. Frank Hoad, and Pastor Syd. Brook, at present in College. Another former scholar, Mr. Harry Lane, studied at Benson Barnett’s College at Croydon, and took up work with the Australian Inland Mission.

At present quite a number of our young men who have been scholars in the school take preaching appointments.


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J05 – The King’s Minstrelsy

Praise is an essential element in worship, and those who are privileged to lead in it may well count it a high honour. Many have served as Church Organist during the past fifty years, for longer or shorter periods.



Miss Whiteford, 1888 to 1891.

Mr. Wilkins, 1891 to 1895.

Miss Price, 1895 (no record)

Mr. H. Marcroft, 1904 (no record).

Mr. Bowden (relieving various periods)

Miss Marcroft, 1908 to 1910.

Miss Upcroft, 1911 to 1912.

Mr. Bowden, 1912 to 1913.

Miss Pittock, 1914 to 1916.

Miss Lewis (few months) 1916.

Miss Waldock, 191 7 to 1919.

Mr. Overtori, 1919-1938.



(Records not complete.)

Mr. Thomas, 1912 to 1914.

Miss Pittock, 1914 (few months).

Mr. V. Prowse, 1916 to 1921.

Mr. Whitton, 1921 to 1922

Mr. R. Overton, 1923 to 1935.

Mr. Thomas, 1935 to 1936.

Mr. R. Patten, 1936 to 1938.


For all who have led the Praise of the Sanctuary, we are deeply grateful. We must express our very best thanks to our musical brothers, Messrs. Overton, who have served the church so well as Organist and Choir Master—Mr. T. Overton for 19 years and Mr. R. Overton for 12 years.


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J04 – The King’s Pursebearers

The finances of a Church require most judicious handling, especially when so few of the members can boast of worldly wealth. Generous giving has been encouraged. Adverse balances have to be avoided as far as possible, mortgages and loans have at times to be negotiated and prompt repayments arranged for. Salaries must be provided for, and current expenses defrayed. The King’s coin, frequently laid on the altar of self-sacrifice, must be regarded as a sacred trust and spent with care.

The treasurers who have served the Church have been:

Mr. Clague, 1888 to 1892, four years.

Mr. Hubbard, 1892 to 1900, eight years.

Mr. G. Patten, a few months in 1901.

Mr. Marcroft, 1901 to 1903, two years.

Mr. Vine, 1904 to 1908, four years.

Mr. G. Patten, 1908 to 1933, 25 years.

Mr. H. Patten, 1933, still in office.

We would draw your attention to the lengthy period of the late Mr. G. Patten’s term of office. We would like to link his name with the name of his devoted wife, Mrs. Patten Senr., who also assisted in the ministry of Purse Bearer.

We place on record our deep gratitude to God for the great mercies of past years in the spirit of liberality granted to the membership of the Church. With our new obligations in paying off the debt on our school building, we would remind our members and friends of our financial obligations and pray they may be as devoted and liberal in their giving as has been the case with past members.

We desire to pledge ourselves anew to the service of Jesus Christ and to our fellow Christians, and pray that we may fully realise our Christian privileges and experience a larger measure of spiritual blessing.


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J03 – The King’s Recorders

During the fifty years of history, the church has not had many in the Secretarial Office. But those who have been in the position have skilfully wielded the pen and have rendered much unobstrusive service, for which the Church is deeply grateful.

Among these we mention:

Mr. W. Marcroft, 1888 to 1901, 13 years.

Mr. G. Patten, 1901 to 1903.

Mr. F. Robinson (now Rev.) three months, 1903.

Mr. Hey, acting, one month, 1903.

Mr. J. W. Marcroft, 1903 to 1916, 13 years.

Mr. Page, September 1916 to 1924, eight years.

Mr. A. Smith, 1924 to January, 1926.

Mr. E. W. Watts, 1926, still in office.

You will notice the lengthy period some of these brethren were in office. The Church is indebted to them for their devoted service.


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J02–The King’s Ambassadors

The minister of Parramatta Church, Rev. J. Straughen, was the first acting minister, and had the oversight of the church from 1888 to 1897.

Rev. E. Price was honorary Pastor from 1897 to 1901.

Rev. C. T. Way commenced his ministry in February, 1901, and continued until 1905 (first term).

Mr. Way purchased the property upon which this building stands during the second term of his ministry—1908 to 1915—and offered it to the Church, provided they raised the sum of £130, equivalent to the value of the land, within a stated time. The Church took up the challenge and gratefully accepted the generous gift of the Pastor. This happened in 1909, and the members got to work preparing for the building of a new Church.

Rev. H. D. Archer was Pastor from 1905 to 1907, having received the call when Pastor at Castlemaine, Victoria. Unfortunately, Mr. Archer’s health was against him, and in 1907 he resigned and went to reside at Bathurst.

Rev. A. Metters, 1907 to 1908. The ministry of Rev. A. Metters was also of brief duration. Mr. Metters came from Devonport, Tasmania, and in his ministry at Granville had also the oversight of Liverpool Church.

Rev. T. C. Way, 1908 to 1915. Second term.

Rev. H. Halmarick, 1915 to 1916—eleven months. Mr. Halmarick’s ministry was of brief duration, too.

Rev. S. A. McDonald—1916 to 1920, Mr. McDonald had a trying time during his ministry through the war period. Under his ministry the work was consolidated.

Rev. H. Clark. 1921 to 1923. Mr. Clark’s ministry yielded fruit and we had the joy of witnessing many pass through the baptismal waters. During his ministry in Granville, Mr. Clark was Vice-President and President of the Baptist Union, and on that account he was away from his pulpit many Sundays. The Church willingly helped Mr. Clark in his Union activities.

Rev. E. H. Swan. December, 1923, to May, 1927. Mr. Swan attracted many to the services and the mid-week meetings grew in numbers. Many were won for the Master during his ministry in Granville.

Rev. J. H. Deane, B.A., B.D. 1927 to 1933. In calling to the ministry Mr. Deane (then a High School teacher), the Church brought before the notice of the Baptist Union, a young man of high Christian ideals and a man of scholastic ability. Mr. Deane spent a period in the Baptist College as student, at the same time acting as Pastor, being ordained to the full ministry in 1930. During Mr. Deane’s ministry at Granville, he was appointed Assistant Principal of the Baptist College. After a period of six years’ ministry, he resigned to take the oversight of the Blackheath Church. Cultured and devout, his preaching attracted many to the Saviour.

Rev. C. G. Orford, L.Th. 1934 to 1936. In January, 1934, Mr. and Mrs. Orford came into our midst to carry on the work vacated by the former Pastor and his wife. Mr. Orford’s ministry was a short one, he resigning in 1936. During Mr. Orford’s ministry, the attendances were well maintained, and his preaching was of a high order and attracted large congregations.

Rev. J. Douglas Mill. 1936. Our present Pastor, Rev. J. Douglas Mill, commenced his ministry in December, 1936, and is still with us. He and his wife have endeared themselves to the Granville folk, and we trust they will long be spared to minister for the King of Kings in this part of His vineyard.


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J01 – Introduction

The 50th Anniversary of a Church of Jesus Christ affords an excellent vantage point from which to survey the past and anticipate the future. It is a period which lies well within the memory of those who were fairly young when it began, and who have shared in its progress. It inspires mingled penitence and gratitude as its failures and successes are recalled, and wisely reviewed, it may inspire to nobler service than any past days have seen.

The history of the church gives proof of the continued activity of the Risen Lord through the power of the Spirit. It records faithful service on the part of many of His devoted servants. It tells of ministries by which the truth of God has been defended and diffused. It honours the memory of pioneers who served their generation by the will of God, and then fell asleep. And it calls upon a younger generation to seize the torch which aged and feeble hands pass on to them, and to carry it on undimmed through the years!


On Thursday, 11th October, 1888, a public meeting and devotional service was held in Blaxcell Street church building, at which the Revs. J. Straughen, J D. Brown, J. A. Soper, and a number of Parramatta Church members were present. The Rev. J. A. Soper, President of the Baptist Union of New South Wales, presided, and at the close of the devotional meeting, the Granville friends were formed into a Church with fifteen members.


Mesdames Barnicoat, J. W. Marcroft, F. Marcroft, Osborn and Hillier.

Misses M. Rice, S. Barnicoat, A. Whiteford, M. Osborn and E. Osborn.

Messrs. Barnicoat, J. W. Marcroft, F. Marcroft, T. Osborn and J. Clague.

Rev. J. Straughen, minister of Parramatta Church, consented to act as Pastor, and had the oversight of the church from 1888 to 1897.

Mr. W. Marcroft was elected Secretary, Mr. Clague was elected Treasurer, and Miss Whiteford as Organist.


Our survey of the past fifty years gives proof that God has richly blessed the fellowship and ministry of the church. By the grace of God, much has been accomplished and the chief note in our song of Jubilee must be a note of praise.

Good work has been done by many faithful workers. Christ has been exalted and His Kingdom extended. Believers have been edified and sinners converted. The young have been taught, and as they have grown up many have dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ for service either at home or abroad.

What the future holds we cannot tell, but we know that “He hath been mindful of us; He will bless us.”

During the fifty years 520 members have enrolled. Many of the former members have fallen asleep in Jesus. Many have removed to other parts of this and other States, and are using their gifts in other fields of service.

Prior to the formation of the Church, Sunday School was held in an upper room above a shop in South Street. This work amongst the young was started by the late Mr. W. Ardill, and, under his guidance, was the means of attracting many boys and girls.

We have with us Mr. Marcroft, foundation member and Secretary for many years.

The present church building was erected in 1911, during the ministry of Rev. C. T. Way.

The Official Opening and Dedication took place on Saturday, 28th October, 1911—twenty-three years after the founding of the church in 1888.

The door opening ceremony was performed by Mr. W. Buckingham, and the dedicatory address was given by Rev. B. Gawthrop.

The following day, Sunday, 29th October, special services were held, at which the pastor, Rev. C. T. Way, Rev. C. J. Tinsley, Rev. F. Robinson, Rev. C. Marcroft, Rev. J. Leech and Rev. J. Barker took part.

During the period of demolition of the Blaxcell Street Church in 1911 and the re-erecting of the building in William Street as a Sunday School, services were held in Columbia Hall (now demolished) in Good Street, opposite Mr. Patten’s store.

The present Church building was renovated and the wooden fence replaced by a brick wall during the ministry of Rev. C. G. Orford; also negotiations were entered into for the purchase of Jubilee Hall.

The Jubilee Hall was officially opened and dedicated during the early days of Rev. J. Douglas Mill’s pastorate, in 1937.

The Honour Roll in the church reminds us of the members and adherents who served their King and Country in the Great War, some paying the supreme price with their lives.

Of late years, the work has been greatly helped on with the assistance of a band of devoted Christian young men and women. Many are Sunday School teachers and helpers in the Christian Endeavour Societies.

The Ladies’ Guild are active in their sewing meetings, and each year many garments are made and distributed to needy families in the district.

The young ladies of the church are organised in the Senior Girls’ Missionary Union, and keep the interest in Mission work well before the congregation and raise funds for Mission work.

The Men’s Morning Meeting is a live body, and helpful meetings are held each Sunday morning, and men from other churches are attracted to these meetings. Interchange of visits to other Men’s Societies strengthen interest in the work.

The C.E. work is divided into four Societies—Junior “A,” Junior “B,” Intermediate, and Young People’s Societies, the whole under the General Superintendent, Mr. K. Flatters. Each group has its own Superintendent, Secretary and Treasurer, and the keenest interest is manifest in the work “For Christ and the Church” by all the young peop1e.

Young men of the church conduct Open Air Sunday School in the back streets, where they gather around them boys and girls and tell them Bible stories. We believe their efforts will be blessed.

Since our present Pastor’s advent, the choir seating has been rearranged on platforms each side of the pulpit. The choir renders valuable help with their leading of the praise in the services each Sunday, and on special occasions are always ready to help with their musical talents.


Time would fail to tell of all who have in many ways aided the work which, by the Grace of God, the Church has done during the fifty years of her history.

Many deacons have devoted their time, their means, their business acumen, their best thought to the highest interests of the church and have assisted the successive ministers to the limit of their ability. Others have used their gifts in ways that often go unrecorded and unpraised. They have decorated the platform with flowers, acted as agents and recorders for the “Australian Baptist,” audited church accounts and rendered many other willing services.

With grateful hearts the past we own,

The future, all to us unknown

We to Thy guardian care commit,

And peaceful leave before Thy feet.


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